God, I want to ask You, WHY?
But I know it’s an unfaithful question
So now I come to ask You, WHAT?
And please tell me, HOW?
So I can understand Your will,
And not questioning Your love
And in between I know how to please Your heart.
Please tell me, God
Because I’m dreadfully scared
As I’m facing the giants now
Please give me a heart
That trusts You
When You ask me to hold still and obey You
And when You ask me to go forth
And if this hardship shall come, o Lord
Let me admit in front of You
That I’m weak and there’s nothing I can do
But help me, O Lord,
Because You are God
So I can see that in Your Name
I’m enabled to conquer the giants
To defeat my fear in Your command
I’d be able to hold still
And in Your word, I’m able to go forth
So help me, O Lord
With Your strong hands
To do what Your child must do
To hope in Your love and in Your faithfulness
So people might see
When I’m weak
My God is strong
And when I feel defeated
My God is my shield, and my victory
So this is my prayer, o God
When I’m facing these giants
Make me one small stone
To be used in Your great Hands
So in my life
It’s Your name alone I will praise
Because You alone o Lord
Is my strength and my portion