Lagi-lagi menjawab tantangan KLIP, yang temanya “Persiapan Menyambut Ramadhan”. Kenapa kok senang banget ikut tantangan KLIP? Hehehe, saya menggunakan tantangan mingguan ini sebagai suatu tantangan buat diri saya sendiri untuk menulis berdasarkan tema yang tidak diciptakan sendiri. Lumayan kan, setiap minggu ada satu tema baru, tidak usah capek-capek mikir sudah
Menjawab tantangan KLIP minggu ini: “memilih buku bacaan untuk anak-anak”, saya teringat suatu kejadian di satu sore di RS. Boromeus, Bandung. Saya sedang menunggu giliran dipanggil oleh dr. spesialis di sana, untuk memeriksakan maag saya yang sedang kambuh. Karena lama sekali, saya iseng berjalan keluar. Di depan pintu masuk utamaRead More
She was a woman of praises, a beautiful young woman, graduated from high prestige university, small built and completed with meekness and gentleness. She was known by many, praised by many. Many juniors looked at her with full respect. Many good words were spoken about her. She was like aRead More
I know don’t about other people but I feel like my brain never stops working. It keeps talking to me. Does it mean I hear voices? Am I sychrizopenic? Am I delusional? I don’t think so. My life is pretty dull most of the time and yes I’m struggling everyRead More
Menjawab tantangan tema menulis minggu ini di KLIP: “bagaimana saya ikut menjaga lingkungan”, saya akan berbagi cerita tentang pengelolaan sampah di negara Belanda dan bagaimana saya dan keluarga mengikuti peraturannya. Pemerintah Belanda sangat proaktif dalam mengkampanyekan ‘recycling‘ – mendaur ulang. Mereka percaya bahwa dari semua sampah yang kita hasilkan, 75%
Between two neighbours, there’s only a wall of 20 centimeters dividing the life of two families apart. The latest technology might even provide us with an even thinner wall, which still provides strength and isolation needed to divide two houses. With such a fine line between two lives, I realize
It’s been almost four months since the 2nd wave Corona lockdown applied in the Netherlands. I heard in the news the 3rd wave is coming and our neighbouring countries start to impose a new set of lockdown again. These lockdown and un-lockdown things have been going on and off so
Sometimes we find ourselves in a point of going nowhere. We know approximately what to do, but our eyes are fixated on the things that hinder us from doing that. “I haven’t fully understood what going on is.” “I still don’t know the details. I don’t even understand the big
There was a hot issue discussed yesterday on one of the Facebook groups I followed. A Netherlands man with Indonesian background went on air in a television show complaining about his ex-girlfriend (he found via a dating site) who never lifted a finger to help him doing the house chores
Today I’m going to write here about my children and their books. I’ve once written about how in the Netherlands’ school the children are exposed a lot to books – story books. When I was young and went to school, we didn’t have many good story books except the books
It’s been months since I had my latest piano lesson. The lockdown has stopped my lessons completely and I didn’t do any online lessons since it’s hard to do it via video. And frankly speaking, I didn’t practice as much. The children being home and home-schooling for two months had
Death Sentence on the Rebels 26 And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying, 27 “How long shall I bear with this evil congregation who complain against Me? I have heard the complaints which the children of Israel make against Me. 28 Say to them, ‘As I live,’ says
In the 10 years since I left professional worlds and committed myself to my role as a SAHM (stay at home mom), I’ve only read less than 10 books. Or maybe even less. Staying mostly at home and dealing with two hard-tempered toddlers made me lose all interest and delights
Every once in a while, I would get involved in a heated argument with my husband. It’s actually not often, but perhaps because it rarely happens, it always went beyond what I hope as a standard of healthy argument should be. I think when both parties were filled with anger,
When I was planning to meet my husband again after 13 years of never meeting with each other, I discussed this with my brother and sister in law who lived with me in Singapore. Being anxious of meeting a “stranger” again, I asked them what I should talk with him
We went to the beach last Saturday, enjoying the early spring air. It’s amazing that only a week before, people were busy ice-skating in every corner of The Netherlands, and 7 days later the beach was literally full of people. Around 20 Celcius grades differ in only a week time!
In a conversation with my mothering-friends about motherhood, one of my friends somehow mentioned her crazy rich Asian sister, and this steered our discussion to the talk about value. What kind of value do you hold in your life? What’s the greatest subject you value in your life? Is it
“Living as a rich man is easy to learn (you don’t even have to learn how to spend your money when it’s plenty), but learning to live as a poor is difficult (living in modesty, in a limited budget takes a learning curve).” ~ My mom’s wisdom We love to
In a book that I’m currently reading states a subtitle: “Change is a process”. As I read this title I remember several moments I desperately prayed to God to let a ‘change’ happen in my life. I cried and wished that I would turn into somebody different in an instant
Doa Seorang Ibu YA TUHAN,Buatlah aku seorang orangtua yang lebih baikTolonglah aku memahami anak-anakku,Untuk mendengarkan mereka dengan sabarAkan apa yang mereka harus katakanDan untuk menjawab semua pertanyaan mereka dengan baik dan ramah Jauhkanlah aku dari memotong begitu saja ketika mereka berbicaraDan balik berbicara kepada mereka dan menyudutkan merekaBuatlah aku selalu