Catching up with my daily devotional on 9th January 2010: Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.1 Thessalonians 5:23, New King James Version It was a dreadful moment,
The title in English: it’s not that I don’t believe, but I can’t do anything about it. I’m 31 years old and single. It’s a good combination to anticipate a lot of curiosity from family and friends why I’m still single at this time. Some of them asked out of
Quoted from The Treasury of David by Charles Spurgeon, Psalm 1:2 “In His law doth he meditate.” In the plainest text there is a world of holiness and spirituality; and if we in prayer and dependence upon God did sit down and study it, we should behold much more than
I hate being a spoilsport – though it seems I made myself a good number of times. And the worst reason to be a spoilsport is to be sick – just in time when I must do something. Since I was young, I have skipped hundreds numbers of classes, meetings,
I’m currently reading the expository of Psalm 1 by Charles Spurgeon. I quote here one sentence he used in explaining Psalm 1 as below:“Well may the saints long for heaven, for no evil men shall dwell there, ‘nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.’” He said “may the saints
Ok, I’m peeking into someone’s writing. It’s my first home alone experience in my new house – my brother and sister in law suddenly decided to get an escapade to Bintan for 3 days, and I can tell you that being alone in the house is not really my favorite
I don’t know about tomorrow,It may bring me poverty;But the One Who feeds the sparrow,Is the One Who stands by me.And the path that be my portion,May be through the flame or flood,But His presence goes before me,And I’m covered with His blood. Many things about tomorrow,I don’t seem to
I was closing my eyes in the shuttle bus between Redhill MRT and my office this morning, trying to get some nap. It was merely a 10 minutes ride – can be less, if we were not stopped by any traffic light, but I was very tired, and today is
I was engaged in a very long conversation with my Mom last night when she said, “I need Thee every hour – see, that’s why the song use every ‘hour’ and not every year, or every week, or every day. We need God’s presence in our life every hour, even
Some people are born to be performers. They just have the talent – and the courage to perform at the stage, in front of hundreds of audience, under the spotlight. Yesterday was my first performance since I joined the Church Choir back few months ago. Hmmh, let me revise my
I was walking alone from my office to Tiong Bahru Plaza one evening after work, when I stretched my neck and looked up above to see the trees and realized how beautiful is the evening sky and the tree leaves. I could see the blue-redish sky peeking between the branches.
I had a dream last night. I saw you standing there, day and night. Looking restless and helpless… When I looked into your eyes, you were telling me silently, you were not happy… I walked the path, and still I see you standing there. But I couldn’t reach you, or
I was in MRT this morning looking blankly at a mid age man sitting in front of me. He was playing some jewel game in his IPhone for the past 15 minutes. I could see that he was so engrossed in the game, and could hardly watch for other things.
I started my One Hundred Days Vow about five years ago. It was on 14th of November 2004, to be exact. Funny that I can remember the date easily, but recalling the year is always hard for me. Was it that long time ago? Sometimes it feels like just yesterday
Yes, I dreamt about you. And it’s been happening very often until now. I mean, look at us, we’ve been talking only for the past few weeks and I’ve been dreaming about you – five, six times? And dear friend, how most of them are not good ones 🙁 When
The wonders of ChristmasIs in the silence of the great love God has given usWhen He died on a tree, to save us and cleanse our sins,Made us holy, you and me The wonders of ChristmasIs in our sufferings when God reform us and transform usIn the silence of tears
Happy birthday Love, I’m celebrating here, tooHaving a bottle of Heaven and EarthLike we used to I thank God for one more year He gave youI thank God for giving you family, health, job and happinessAnd most of all,I thank God for giving you salvation,And let you know Him… Happy
From the devotional reading: Been Thinking About by Mart De Haan. He’s writing about People Watcher – about people who watch others and examine their living and how Christian sometimes are hard to identify as the children of God. I read through ten factors he described in his writing, when
I woke up early in the morning feeling so cold. I felt very dizzy and I felt like throwing up. Oh my God… I’m here, so far from home and I fell ill? I couldn’t manage to be ill. I still have almost three weeks to go here, and I
9th day of November, two years ago. I was unpacking at Daisy’s apartments. New town, new country. The city of lion – I often called her. What was I doing? I was looking for job there after being ill for months and my previous company asked me to leave. How